The Revolution is Not a Dinner Party

It's Just Lunch....or IS IT??

Thursday, January 13, 2005

The O.C.

Peter Gallagher singing on The O.C. was truly surreal. It was like watching a David Lynch movie. He is my new favorite Tuftonian.

Here is a great article that argues that Walsh/non-Walsh tension drove 90210. The O.C. is an entirely different creature- a long fantasy of California-ism...each character riding his own impossible wave of avocados and alternative family structures. I would really be interested in the Author's opinion regarding The O.C.'s hyper-self-consciousness. I'm sure it makes total "sense" to someone who came up in academia during the heady acme of post-modernism that was the early 1990s. But, has such self-referentialism become so banal that it just doesn't matter any more? Or, is it the only way we know how to communicate to one-another? All I know is that they really need to do an homage to "Donna Martin Graduate!" I also enjoyed the Keystone Cops on today's episode.


At 3:53 PM, Blogger JS said...

"That era of 90210 was like watching the sun set facing east." Hahaha, brilliant.


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