The Revolution is Not a Dinner Party

It's Just Lunch....or IS IT??

Friday, December 10, 2004

Is this English...??

Juergen Habermas on his relationship with Derrida:

"Actually, over and beyond all the politics, what connects me to Derrida is the philosophical reference to an author like Kant. Admittedly – and though we’re roughly the same age, our life histories have been very different – what separates us is the later Heidegger. Derrida’s thinking has appropriated the Jewish-inspired perceptions of a Levinas. In Heidegger, I confront a philosopher who failed as a citizen – in 1933 and especially after 1945. But even as a philosopher, he is suspect to me because, in the 1930s, he received Nietzsche precisely as a neo-pagan, as it was then the fashion to do. Unlike Derrida, whose reading of “Andenken” accords with the spirit of monotheistic tradition, I take Heidegger’s botch-job “Seinsdenken” as a leveling of that epochal threshold in the history of consciousness that Jaspers had called the “axial age.” According to my understanding, Heidegger committed treason against that caesura which is marked, in various ways, by the prophetic-awakening Word from Mount Sinai, and by the Enlightenment of a Socrates."

If you want more, check it out.


At 1:56 AM, Blogger JS said...

Say what will about the merits of National least its an ethos.

At 5:00 PM, Blogger JS said...

At least in law school the poorly-coiffed charlatans aren't allowed to influence the real world....oh wait...damn.


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