I'm Going Curling....and I Know You're Jealous
I haven't posted much on the Olympics, mostly cause I love the winter games so much that I spent the last two week obsessively watching as much as possible on tivo. For the record: I'm hooked on curling (pun intended); Bode Miller got a raw deal (only NBC could be irresponsible enough to hype a downhill skier winning 5 races, the sport just doesn't work that way); Shani Davis is right and Chad Hendrick is wrong; Benjamin Raich is pretty awesome (Tirol rocks); Bob Costas has a crush on Shaun White; and we need to pass a law mandating that events be shown live.
Anyway, some well informed law student friends have alerted me to this curling club in Westchester. We're heading to the open house this Sunday. I'll post plenty of pictures. I haven't noted here, but I've had my car in the city since Thanksgiving. Someday I'll post on the madness of alternate side parking. The hassle is worth it cause having a car allows me to explore outer boroughs and stuff like this. Plus, I previously found my carbon footprint woefully inadequate.
If you want to see a news clip about the club....click here, its a big avi file and downloads straight to computer.
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